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What’s in Your Schedule?

What’s in your wallet?” is the slogan used in Capital One’s ad campaign. Enticing you to have their debit/credit card in your wallet. But a more important question is “what’s in your schedule?”. Coming into a New Year usually means we’re setting new goals or resolutions for the year.

Well, what better goal to have as followers of Christ than to fit God into our

schedule? Better yet, don’t fit God’s word around your schedule. Fit your schedule

around God’s word!

For many, praying and especially reading God’s Word regularly can seem a

daunting task for believers. This quote encouraged me from a Lebanese American entrepreneur, Nido Qubein:

Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go. They merely determine where you start.

With the habit of reading Scripture, it’s best not to focus on how much you read,

rather, just start right where you are. Everyone may have their own pace and course to follow in getting to their Scripture reading goal and that’s OK. Some may follow a set Bible reading plan, others may choose to read a chapter daily, while others may select to follow-up on scriptures found in a daily devotional.

The goal? To get to know HIM better and more intimately through reading and

studying. What’s in your schedule in 2023? How will you fit your schedule around God’s

Word? We’d love for you to share your thoughts in the comments.

Stephanie Torrey

Blog Writer for HGWFOM; Christian Blogger for “Speaking the Truth in Love” (

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